TEST pk */ // The CLARO_INCLUDE_ALLOWED constant allows to include PHP file further in the // code. Files which are meant to be included check if this constant is defined. // If it isn't the case, these files immediately die. // This process prevents hacking by direct calls of included file and setting // of global variable (when PHP register_globals is set to 'ON') define('CLARO_INCLUDE_ALLOWED', true); // include the main Claroline platform configuration file // Determine the directory path where this current file lies // This path will be useful to include the other intialisation files require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/claro_main.lib.php'; $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = php_self(); $mainConfigurationFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../platform/conf/claro_main.conf.php'; if ( file_exists($mainConfigurationFile) ) { include $mainConfigurationFile; } else { die ('

' .'If it is your first connection to your Claroline platform, ' .'read thoroughly INSTALL.txt file provided in the Claroline package.' .'

' .'
'); } // Most PHP package has increase the error reporting. // The line below set the error reporting to the most fitting one for Claroline if( claro_debug_mode() ) { // Make sure all errors are reported error_reporting( E_ALL ); // Activate assertions assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE, 1); assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 0); assert_options(ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL, 1); assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK, 'claro_debug_assertion_handler'); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Various Path Init ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $includePath = get_path('incRepositorySys'); $clarolineRepositorySys = get_path('clarolineRepositorySys'); $clarolineRepositoryWeb = get_path('clarolineRepositoryWeb'); $coursesRepositorySys = get_path('coursesRepositorySys'); $coursesRepositoryWeb = get_path('coursesRepositoryWeb'); $rootAdminWeb = get_path('rootAdminWeb'); $imgRepositoryAppend = get_path('imgRepositoryAppend'); $imgRepositorySys = get_path('imgRepositorySys'); $imgRepositoryWeb = get_path('imgRepositoryWeb'); /* * Path to the PEAR library. PEAR stands for "PHP Extension and Application * Repository". It is a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP * components. More on http://pear.php.net. * Claroline is provided with the basic PEAR components needed by the * application in the "claroline/inc/lib/pear" directory. But, server * administator can redirect to their own PEAR library directory by setting * its path to the PEAR_LIB_PATH constant.x */ define('PEAR_LIB_PATH', get_path('incRepositorySys') . '/lib/thirdparty/pear'); // Add the Claroline PEAR path to the php.ini include path // This action is mandatory because PEAR inner include() statements // rely on the php.ini include_path settings set_include_path( '.' . PATH_SEPARATOR . PEAR_LIB_PATH . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path() ); // Unix file permission access ... define('CLARO_FILE_PERMISSIONS', 0777); // Web server $is_IIS = strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Microsoft-IIS') ? 1 : 0; $is_Apache = strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache') ? 1 : 0; $is_Apache2 = strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache/2') ? 1 : 0; // Compatibility with IIS web server - REQUEST_URI if ( !isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if ( !empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] .= '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Start session ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ session_name(get_conf('platform_id','claroline')); session_start(); if ( get_conf('triggerDebugMode', false) && isset($_REQUEST['debug']) ) { if ( !claro_debug_Mode() && $_REQUEST['debug'] == 'on' ) { $_SESSION['claro_debug_mode'] = true; error_reporting( E_ALL ); // Activate assertions assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE, 1); assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 0); assert_options(ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL, 1); assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK, 'claro_debug_assertion_handler'); } elseif ( $_REQUEST['debug'] == 'off' ) { $_SESSION['claro_debug_mode'] = false; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Include main library ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ require_once get_path('incRepositorySys') . '/lib/language.lib.php'; require_once get_path('incRepositorySys') . '/lib/right/right_profile.lib.php'; if( claro_debug_mode() ) { require_once get_path('incRepositorySys') . '/lib/debug.lib.inc.php'; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unquote GET, POST AND COOKIES if magic quote gpc is enabled in php.ini ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ claro_unquote_gpc(); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Connect to the server database and select the main claroline DB ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FromKernel::uses('core/claroline.lib'); try { // Initialize the main database connection Claroline::initMainDatabase(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { Console::error( $e->__toString() ); die ('
' .$e->getMessage() .'
'); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Include the local (contextual) parameters of this course or section ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ require get_path('incRepositorySys') . '/claro_init_local.inc.php'; // Initialize the claroline display Claroline::initDisplay(); // Assign the Claroline singleton to a variable for more convenience $claroline = Claroline::getInstance(); /*=========================================================================== Load configuration files ===========================================================================*/ // Course tools if (isset($_cid) && $_courseTool['label']) { $config_code = rtrim($_courseTool['label'],'_'); if (file_exists(claro_get_conf_repository() . $config_code . '.conf.php')) { include claro_get_conf_repository() . $config_code . '.conf.php'; pushClaroMessage("Loading configuration file " . claro_get_conf_repository() . $config_code . '.conf.php','debug'); } if ( claro_is_in_a_course() && file_exists( get_conf('coursesRepositorySys') . $_course['path'] . '/conf/' . $config_code . '.conf.php' ) ) { require get_conf('coursesRepositorySys') . $_course['path'] . '/conf/' . $config_code . '.conf.php'; pushClaroMessage("Loading configuration file " . get_conf('coursesRepositorySys') . $_course['path'] . '/conf/' . $config_code . '.conf.php', 'debug'); } } // Other modules elseif ( $tlabelReq ) { $config_code = rtrim($tlabelReq,'_'); if (file_exists(claro_get_conf_repository() . $config_code . '.conf.php')) { include claro_get_conf_repository() . $config_code . '.conf.php'; pushClaroMessage("Loading configuration file " . claro_get_conf_repository() . $config_code . '.conf.php','debug'); } } if ( isset( $tlabelReq ) && !empty( $tlabelReq ) ) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Check tool access right an block unautorised users ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( get_module_data( $tlabelReq, 'type' ) == 'admin' && ! claro_is_platform_admin() ) { claro_die(get_lang('Not allowed')); } if ( $tlabelReq !== 'CLGRP' && ! claro_is_module_allowed() ) { if ( ! claro_is_user_authenticated() ) { claro_disp_auth_form(true); } else { claro_die( get_lang( 'Not allowed' ) ); } } if ( $tlabelReq !== 'CLGRP' && claro_is_in_a_group() && ( !claro_is_group_allowed() || ( !claro_is_allowed_to_edit() && !is_tool_activated_in_groups($_cid, $tlabelReq) ) ) ) { claro_die( get_lang( 'Not allowed' ) ); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Install module ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( claro_is_in_a_course() && ! is_module_installed_in_course( $tlabelReq, claro_get_current_course_id() ) ) { install_module_database_in_course( $tlabelReq, claro_get_current_course_id() ) ; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Context from URL ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // if page is called from another tool ... (from LP for an example) if ( isset($_REQUEST['calledFrom']) ) { $calledFrom = $_REQUEST['calledFrom']; } else { $calledFrom = false; } // if page is embedded hide banner and footer if ( isset($_REQUEST['embedded']) && $_REQUEST['embedded'] == 'true' ) { // old school method $hide_banner = true; $hide_footer = true; // fashion victim method $claroline->setDisplayType(Claroline::FRAME); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Initialize the event manager declarations for the notification system ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // for backward compatibility $eventNotifier = $claroline->notifier; $claro_notifier = $claroline->notification; // Register listener in the event manager for the NOTIFICATION system : // EXAMPLE : // // $claroline->notification->addListener( 'document_visible', 'update' ); // // 'document_visible' is the name of the event that you want to track // 'update' is the name of the function called in the listener class when the event happens // register listener for access to platform $claroline->notification->addListener( 'platform_access', 'trackPlatformAccess'); // todo move this to a better place ? like end of script ? $claroline->notifier->event( 'platform_access' ); // we must register this listener here else it will not be registered when 'inscription login' will occur $claroline->notification->addListener( 'user_login', 'trackInPlatform' ); if ( claro_is_user_authenticated() ) { //global events (can happen outside of courses too) $claroline->notification->addListener( 'course_deleted', 'modificationDelete' ); } if ( claro_is_user_authenticated() && claro_is_in_a_course() ) { //global events IN COURSE only $claroline->notification->addListener( 'toollist_changed', 'modificationDefault' ); $claroline->notification->addListener( 'introsection_modified', 'modificationDefault' ); $claroline->notification->addListener( 'course_access', 'trackCourseAccess' ); // todo : should move this event to initialisation of course context $claroline->notifier->event( 'course_access' ); } if ( claro_is_in_a_group() ) { $claroline->notification->addListener( 'group_deleted', 'modificationDelete' ); } if ( claro_is_in_a_tool() ) { // generic tool event $claroline->notification->addListener( 'tool_access', 'trackToolAccess' ); // todo : should move this event to initialisation of tool context $claroline->notifier->event( 'tool_access' ); // others load_current_module_listeners(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Load language translation and locale settings ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ language::load_translation(); language::load_locale_settings(); language::load_module_translation(); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevent duplicate form submission ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // The code below is a routine to prevent duplicate form submission, for // example if the user clicks on the 'Refresh' or 'Back' button of his // browser. It will nullify all the variables posted to the server by the // form, provided this form complies to 2 points : // // 1. The form is submitted by POST method (
). GET // method is not taken into account. // // 2. A unique ID value is provided at form submission that way // // // // The routine records in PHP session all the the ID of the submitted // forms. Once a form is submitted, its ID is compared to recorded ID, to // check if the form hasn't be posted before. // // One can set a limit to the stored ID in session by adapting the // CLARO_MAX_REGISTERED_FORM_ID constant. define('CLARO_MAX_REGISTERED_FORM_ID', 50); if ( claro_is_user_authenticated() ) { if ( empty( $_SESSION['csrf_token'] ) || !isset( $_SESSION['csrf_token'] ) ) { $_SESSION['csrf_token'] = strrev(md5(time())); //set a token with a reverse string and md5 encryption of the user's password } if ( defined('CSRF_PROTECTED') && CSRF_PROTECTED ) { if ( $_POST ) { if ( !isset( $_POST['csrf_token'] ) || ( $_POST['csrf_token'] != $_SESSION['csrf_token'] ) ) { claro_die( get_lang("Not Allowed !") ); exit(); } } } } if ( isset($_POST['claroFormId']) ) { if ( ! isset($_SESSION['claroFormIdList']) ) { $_SESSION['claroFormIdList'] = array( $_POST['claroFormId'] ); } elseif ( in_array($_POST['claroFormId'], $_SESSION['claroFormIdList']) ) { foreach( $_POST as $thisPostKey => $thisPostValue ) { $_REQUEST[$thisPostKey] = null; } $_POST = array(); } else { $claroFormIdListCount = array_unshift($_SESSION['claroFormIdList'], $_POST['claroFormId'] ); if ( $claroFormIdListCount > CLARO_MAX_REGISTERED_FORM_ID ) { array_pop( $_SESSION['claroFormIdList'] ); } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Find MODULES's includes to add and include them using a cache system ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // TODO : move module_cache to cache directory // TODO : includePath is probably not needed $module_cache_filename = get_conf('module_cache_filename','moduleCache.inc.php'); $cacheRepositorySys = get_path('rootSys') . get_conf('cacheRepository', 'tmp/cache/'); if (!file_exists($cacheRepositorySys . $module_cache_filename)) { require_once get_path('incRepositorySys') . '/lib/module/manage.lib.php'; generate_module_cache(); } if (file_exists($cacheRepositorySys . $module_cache_filename)) { include $cacheRepositorySys . $module_cache_filename; } else { pushClaroMessage('module_cache not generated : check access right in '.$cacheRepositorySys,'warning'); } // Add feed RSS in header if ( claro_is_in_a_course() && get_conf('enableRssInCourse', true) ) { require claro_get_conf_repository() . 'rss.conf.php'; $claroline->display->header->addHtmlHeader('' ); }